Class Offerings
for the 2022 Season
Please see the Schedule page for times
Ballet, Pre-Pointe, Pointe, Lyrical, Contemporary, Tap, Jazz, Jazz Funk, Hip-Hop, Boy's Street Jazz, Strength & Conditioning
Beginner to advance student – ages pre-school through adult.
Combination, semi-private or private classes are offered. (Class lengths vary 1 – 1&1/2 hr.).
Monthly Fees based on one 1-hr. class per week: $48.00
30 minute fees for private or semi-private are $80.00
Tiny Tots / Pre-Dance:
Ages 2-3/3-4 45 min.-1 hr. classes for the tiny ones developing their gross motor skills through music & dance.
Monthly Fee: $36.00 for 45 min, $48 for 1 hr.
Competition Team:
Comp consists of Technique/Choreography classes offered to all ages by acceptance through an audition. Dancers participate in 3 Regional competitions in the spring & 1 National competition in June or July. A one-week summer intensive is required in August.
Weekly classes train in theatre basics such as: stage areas & terminology, creative dramatics, pantomime, improvisation, puppetry for vocal technique, character analysis, character portrayal, character make-up, memorization, group presentation and performance.
Ages 5 through teens in Beg. Int. & Adv. Levels.
Monthly Fee: $50.00
Piano, Voice, & Guitar
A 30 min. individual class designed for the instruction of both children & adults
Monthly Fee: $80.00